Nomads D vs Ravenfield

Nomads won the toss, and chose white on odd boards. Robert emerged from the opening with a bishop and five pawns against a bishop and four pawns. After much manoeuvring, he miscalculated, ending up in this position: Seeing no way to prevent his opponent forcing promotion, Robert resigned. Eric’s game began well, but eventually deadlocked,…

Nomads 400 vs Ravenfield 11-10-16

Robert and his opponent lost their queens in quick succession. Eventually, his opponent forced material gain with a promotion threat. Robert played on for a while, but eventually resigned. Eric castled kingside while his opponent developed his queen early. Eric gained material, then exchanged queens, leaving him with two rooks, a bishop, a knight, and…

Sasca E vs Nomads D Oct 3rd, 2016

Sasca won the toss, and chose white on odds. Eric castled kingside, with good early development, swapping down to two rooks each, with a pawn advantage. After the rooks went too, both players promoted simultaneously, but then Eric forced a second promotion, and his opponent resigned. Robert sacrificed a knight on f7 for positional advantage,…