Nomads 400 vs Stannington

Eric swapped knight for bishop, then both players castled kingside. After a few more exchanges they were each left with a queen, rook, knight and four pawns, but while they had material parity Eric was coming under time pressure. When his opponent threatened promotion Eric lost a rook for a knight, then resigned. Robert’s opponent…

Nomads D vs Ravenfield

Robert Nield castled kingside, establishing a solid defensive position, then swapped down to knight, bishop and six pawns against two knights and four pawns, a slight material advantage, but sufficient to force mate. Robert Shaw lost material to a fork early on, but then won a rook with a knight fork, leaving him slightly ahead.…

Worksop C vs Nomads D

Unfortunately, I didn’t get a good look at Pete’s game but Eric’s opponent opened aggressively, pushing a pawn to his seventh rank by move 13. After Eric rebuffed this attack, gaining a queen and rook, his opponent resigned. Dave ended up with a queen, rook, and three pawns against a queen, bishop and six pawns,…