Nomads D vs Ravenfield

Nomads won the toss, and chose white on odd boards. Robert emerged from the opening with a bishop and five pawns against a bishop and four pawns. After much manoeuvring, he miscalculated, ending up in this position: Seeing no way to prevent his opponent forcing promotion, Robert resigned. Eric’s game began well, but eventually deadlocked,…

Nomads E vs Barnsley D

On board 4, early exchanges left both Jo and Alan with a week queenside pawn structure, but  Jo’s remaining bishop was well placed on g2.  After further exchanged left both players with a single knight and bishop, plus pawns, a draw was agreed. Duncan’s  game also began with a minor piece exchange, and ended in…

Clay Cross vs Nomads E

Nomads won the toss, and chose white on odds. Robert miscalculated an early exchange, trading a bishop for two pawns. He was able to generate a promotion threat with his kingside pawn majority, getting one pawn to the seventh rank, but Keith eventually blocked him. Once it was clear he could force promotion, Robert resigned.…