Nomads 400 vs Woodseats

Ashley and his opponent played a four knights opening, then swapped down to a queen, bishop and multiple pawns endgame. After Stephen forced a queen swap then secured promotion Ashley resigned. Robert Shaw blundered away a rook pretty quickly. He played on for a few moves longer, attempting to trap his opponent’s rook, but when…

Worksop C vs Nomads D

Unfortunately, I didn’t get a good look at Pete’s game but Eric’s opponent opened aggressively, pushing a pawn to his seventh rank by move 13. After Eric rebuffed this attack, gaining a queen and rook, his opponent resigned. Dave ended up with a queen, rook, and three pawns against a queen, bishop and six pawns,…

Sasca E vs Nomads D Oct 3rd, 2016

Sasca won the toss, and chose white on odds. Eric castled kingside, with good early development, swapping down to two rooks each, with a pawn advantage. After the rooks went too, both players promoted simultaneously, but then Eric forced a second promotion, and his opponent resigned. Robert sacrificed a knight on f7 for positional advantage,…