Steve Eyre Vs Robert Shaw, 3/5/16


  1. I was watching this game and was expecting Robert to play 35…Re8 and if 36.Ke1 d2+. 37…Rc2+ was an amazing move but what if White had played 38.Ke1? Is there anything better than 38…Rxc8 39.Nxc8, when White keeps his extra N and is probably winning despite the advanced pawns? Perhaps a case of ‘fortune favours the brave’ but well done Robert for bringing home the full point…

  2. My calculations on the night were that after 38…Rxc8 39.Nxc8 I’d be able to get my king to the advanced pawns first, and probably force promotion.

    After 39 … Kf6, where does the white knight go? The obvious move is 40 Nd6, but I’m then covering most of the knight’s available squares: b5, c4, e4, f5, and f7. The only options are b7, c8, and e8, none of which look good. I didn’t calculate in detail beyond move 40, but felt reasonably confident.

  3. 50. … Rd6. And you can then take the knight with your king as it has no safe squares 🙂

  4. Some analysis from Geoff Frost.

    I originally thought (as you did) that Rc2+ was clever, but I agree with Duncan Ke1 would hold. If the White N gets back to d3 your pawns will collapse. Alternatively White can create a passed pawn on the Q side. Needs a lot of deep counting!! Actually instead of e2+ you should have played d2. The threat is e2+ followed by d1=Q. White must play Nd7 after which he cannot queen his pawn.

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