Ravenfield Knights | 1 | 3 | Nomads D |
Andrew Shaw | 0 | 1 | Les Day (w) |
Roy Evans | 1 | 0 | Robert Shaw |
Michael Hoyes | 0 | 1 | Jo Woollard |
Pete Sharman | 0 | 1 | Gordon Shaw |
After a quiet opening, first Robert then his opponent gave away a rook, ending up in a rook and pawn endgame with Robert two pawns down. Once Roy forced promotion Robert resigned.
Gordon and Pete swapped off queens early, with Gordon gaining a bishop then winning a rook with a knight fork, a decisive material advantage. After some more manoeuvring, Gordon delivered this mate on move 30:
Coming out of the opening, Les had a dangerous looking knight on e5, but his opponent traded off minor piece. Both players were left with a queen, a single rook, and pawns, but Les had a four pawn advantage which proved sufficient for him to win a queen outright. Andrew then resigned.
In a quiet opening Jo and Michael both castled kingside. Jo won a queen for two pieces, but then Michael pinned her rook, gaining a rook for a bishop. However Jo won a knight with a queen fork, leaving her with a queen, rook and five pawns against two rooks and two pawns. After much manoeuvring, mate followed.