Ravenfield Bishops vs Nomads 400

Ravenfield Bishops 2 1/2 3 1/2 Nomads 400
Tim Gollens (w) 0 1 Peter Morton
David Tate 1 0 Keith Wicks
Andrew Shaw 1/2 1/2 Eric McKenna
Brian England 0 1 Robert Nield
Barry Shaw 0 1 Jo Woollard
D Hill 1 0 Robert Shaw

Robert Shaw got his bishop trapped early on, so was a piece down for most of his game. When his opponent forced a mate in 2, Robert resigned.

Peter and Tim both castled kingside. Peter gained a pawn. After further manoeuvring left Peter a s rook up, Tim resigned. Robert Nield gained a knight, then mated Brian.

Jo and Barry traded off the light-squared bishops, castling king-side. After further exchanges left Jo with a queen, rook and single pawn against a knight, rook and five pawn Barry resigned while Eric’s game deadlocked.

Keith ended up with two rooks and two bishops against two rooks, a bishop and knight, but resigned once David forced promotion.

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