1. Nicely presented website. I’m currently designing a new website for the Plymouth chess club in Devon.
    May I ask, how did you do league tables? Did you import an excel file into a plug in like wpTablepress or draw fresh tables in WordPress?

    1. Hi Megan. We used the plugin Easy Table. This uses a shortcode [table] and then each line is comma seperated fields. I used a bit of css to fancy it up a bit.
      So on this page the code is:
      Nomads, 2, 2, Worksop B
      Steve Withington, 0.5, 0.5, Ian Barker
      Keith Wicks, 0.5, 0.5, Steve Turner
      Sam Humphrey, 0, 1, Alan Story
      Ben Remy, 1, 0, Helmuth Osborne

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