Nomads E (w) | 0 | 4 | Worksop C |
Dave Kesteven | 0 | 1 | Nigel Baxendale |
Robert Shaw | 0 | 1 | Tim England |
Jo Woollard | 0 | 1 | Alan Story |
Natasha Withington | 0 | 1 | Frank Holt |
Nomads won the toss, and chose white on odds.
Dave played a four knights opening, fianchettoing his bishop, but lost a knight for two pawns. After further uneven exchanges reduced him to just king and pawns, Dave resigned. At the other end of the table, Frank’s queen soon occupied h8, forcing Natasha;’s king into the middle of the board, where a knight delivered mate.
After exchanging knights Jo and Alan both castled kingside, but then Jo lost her queen for a knight, ending up with two rooks , a knight, and seven pawns against two rooks, a queen, and seven pawns, a decisive disadvantage.
Robert played the Queen’s Gambit Declined After a complex exchange removed the queens, he seemed to have better development, but Tim did have the advantage of a bishop pair. Robert kept material parity into a rook and pawns end game, where he tried to play for a draw, but was comprehensively out manoeuvred and ultimately mated.