Nomads E | 3 | 1 | Barnsley D |
Duncan Chambers (b) | 1/2 | 1/2 | Russell Roe |
Peter Morton | 1 | 0 | Phil Griffiths |
Robert Shaw | 1 | 0 | Robbie Merc |
Jo Woollard | 1/2 | 1/2 | Alan Taylor |
On board 4, early exchanges left both Jo and Alan with a week queenside pawn structure, but Jo’s remaining bishop was well placed on g2. After further exchanged left both players with a single knight and bishop, plus pawns, a draw was agreed. Duncan’s game also began with a minor piece exchange, and ended in deadlock.
Peter came out of the opening with two bishops, a knight, and five pawns against two rooks and five pawns, a marginal material advantage, but it proved sufficient. Peter forced further exchanges, with gradual material gain, ending up with a bishop and three pawns against just three pawns, at which point his opponent resigned.
After some initial manoeuvring, Robert won a queen for a bishop, a decisive advantage. His opponent played on for a while, generating some threats, but resigned once mate was clearly inevitable.