Nomads D vs Ravenfield Bishops

Ravenfield Bishops 1.5 4.5 Nomads D
David Tate (b) 0 1 Keith Wicks
Rob Beevers 0 1 Eric McKenna
David Hill 1 0 Dave Kesteven
Steve Eyre 0.5   0.5 Robert Shaw
Martin Wilkes 0 1 Jo Woollard
Graham Peacock 0 1 Gordon Shaw

Jo won the toss.

Robert pinned Steve’s knight against his queen, trying to set up a pin on the queen itself, but when the exchanges were resolved both players were left with a rook and four pawns., so a draw was soon agreed.

After some early exchanges, Gordon gained a queen, then traded his queen for a mate.

Dave and David both castled king-side, swapping off minor pieces. Dave  generated promising mating threats, but David manoeuvred through them to mate him.

Eric went a bishop up early on, trading off both knights for a clear material advantage.  After some manoeuvring,  he mated Robert’s exposed king  with his queen, supported by a distant bishop.

Keith swapped down to queen, rook and 7 pawns against a queen, rook and just five pawns, then forced promotion. Once he had two queens, mate quickly followed.

Jo and Martin both castled king-side.  Jo established a strong defensive position, then won both rooks, gaining a pawn in the process.  Once the minor pieces were swapped off, she advanced a pawn to the sixth rank, forced a queen exchange, then promoted, leaving her with a queen, two rooks, and six pawns against just three pawns. There was still a chance of stalemate traps, but Jo avoided those and forced mate.



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