Henry wins Third Arena

Henry Withington (Nietzschescat) took first place losing one game to Jeremy and  being held to a draw in one game by his dad. Jeremy came in second with a 100% win record. In third place was Robert from Wales, winner of the two previous arenas.

We had nine players taking part, including new player Matthew and Arjun Babu (who joined late). I think this was probably our best Arena event yet. The seven minutes plus ten second increment worked well and two hours seems to be a good length of time for the whole event.

Thanks to everyone who could make it.

For those of you not yet familiar with the Arena, it works like this:

You play blitz game after blitz game within a  limited period of time. (This is usually two hours for Nomads tournaments.)  You can take breaks and play as many or as few games as you like.  It is a lot of fun, and you can play to win the tournament, or just to have a few good games of chess.

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