Club Night in the Real World

We will be meeting at the Trades and Labour club next Tuesday, 1st September at 7.30pm for casual games of chess. Me and Lez are guaranteed to be there. Anyone who fancies coming down please do so for our first club night in months. We will be following the rules of the Trades and Labour…

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Nomads First Arena Event

We had eight players in a two hour arena, with ten minute games. Even with this relatively small pool of players the arena worked really well.  We will be holding many more events over the coming months and welcome ideas from all Nomads.

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The Arena

GLADIATOR, Joaquin Phoenix (left), 2000. ©DreamWorks/Courtesy Everett Collection

Here is an idea for a virtual club night. The Arena. Everyday on Lichess there are arena tournaments that take various formats. The Arena is quite unlike a Swiss tournament. For a start there are no rounds. You play, and win or lose, you play again almost straight away, as soon as you reenter the…

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