Sasca E vs Nomads D

After the  opening exchanges, Eric was left slightly down on material, with a queen, bishop, rook, and pawns against a queen, knight, two rooks, and pawns, but he defended strongly, eventually trapping his opponents queen. They promptly resigned. Robert declined the queen’s gambit, and ended up in a pawn endgame. Unable to force promotion, he…

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Worksop C vs Nomads D

We won the toss, and chose white on odds. Gordon won his game in just twelve moves, mating Ross on his back rank with the queen, supported by the bishop. Robert’s game also started promisingly, but then he blundered on move 23, allowing Ian to deliver check with a discovered attack on the queen. Robert…

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Sheffield Deaf vs Nomads D

Ashley lost a rook to a knight fork early on, then his opponent forced a bishop swap, giving him an overwhelming material advantage. Robert swapped off a knight and opposite coloured bishops, then lost his remaining knight to a queen fork. A mate threat forced him to give up his queen, and mate soon followed.…

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